Bazaar: Sell Offer
A Sell Offer signifies that a player is willing to sell a specific number of items at a specific price per unit or more. Restrictions can be configure in the plugins/Bazaar/config.yml on the remot...
A Sell Offer signifies that a player is willing to sell a specific number of items at a specific price per unit or more. Restrictions can be configure in the plugins/Bazaar/config.yml on the remot...
A Buy Order signifies that a player is willing to buy a specific number of items at a specific price per unit or lower. Restrictions can be configure in the plugins/Bazaar/config.yml on the remote...
The functionality of /bz depends on bypass-bz-sub-cmds-list in the “plugins/Bazaar/config.yml”. If it is set to true: It behaves exactly like /bazaar. If set to false: A list with all sub command...
/bz reload As the name suggests, the plugin will be reloaded. Reloads everything. Only executable on MC server. Permission: bazaar.reload
/bz open <namespace> opens the default marketspace of the specified namespace for the player that executed the command. The permission is: /bz open <namespace> <player&...
Creating a Marketspace Use /bz ms create <namespace> Where <namespace> is the namespace you want the marketspace to be created in. Finally, once executed you will be prompted to input...
Main menu Executing /bz edit opens a GUI with all Bazaar files that can be edited. \ The files in the top row (located at “plugins/Bazaar/”) can also be easily edited in a text editor as well as...
/bazaar Gets the default namespace specified in “plugins/Bazaar/config.yml”and executes /bz open <namespace> for the player. Permission:
This interface is intended for internal use only (managing placeholders). You can still use it, but no additional documentation will be provided (the name of the methods should already explain the ...
In order to get the IStatisticsDAO, you have to execute IStatisticsDAO statisticsDAO = coreDAO.statisticsDAO(); These types of transactions are being recorded: Buy Instantly Sell Instantly ...